Know your numbers.
No more spreadsheets
No more manual updates of different tables or worrying if a formula is correct. Get all your financial data up-to-date and in one place.
Understand your finances
Get insights tailored for your business. Ask your AI assistant questions to drill down and understand your finances even better.
Automate your reporting.
Always up-to-date
No more Report-final-v3.pdf. Share an always up-to-date report to your stakeholders in just one click - or make it a custom schedule.
First draft - in seconds
Get started with one of the pre-made reports - edit it however you want or create something new.
Plan for different scenarios.
Explore "what if"s
Map out best cases, what's likely and worst cases in an instance. Answer "what if" questions reliably and safely.
Model in plain text
Stop worrying about formulas - model your scenarios in plain text. Write it like you would say it.